Which is the Best Among Sleep Apnea Monitors for Adults?

Which is the Best Among Sleep Apnea Monitors for Adults?
Sleep Apnea is one of those health conditions that people often take lightly and don’t think of as a serious health issue. If you also have this attitude, then there is a need to change it. Sleep apnea is one of the most severe sleep disorders as it not only makes you lethargic but can also harm your heart health. One of the things you can do to is to monitor sleep apnea regularly.
How to Monitor Sleep Apnea?
There are two ways of monitoring sleep apnea, at home or in the lab. Many people consider the former to be more reliable so they go to the trouble of visiting a sleep lab every few days. If the thought of visiting the lab every few days is giving you a headache, then you might want to know the arguments against in-lab testing.
· Uncomfortable
These tests involve a lot of intrusive wires and tubes which often make the experience uncomfortable for the patients.
· Expensive
Going for in lab tests is expensive as compared to the in-home option and that’s not including the travel expenses or additional fees.
· Lengthy
The process of getting an appointment at the local lab and then getting the results can be lengthy and might take weeks or months.
· Preparations
The task of preparing for a test is a mammoth one as you have to alter your lifestyle considerably before a test. This is one of the core reasons people avoid in-lab tests.
Why are Home Sleep Tests Better?
Home sleep tests not only save you from all the discomforts mentioned above, but they are also approved by American Academy of Sleep Medicine. You should also know that AASM has not approved all the home sleep testing devices, it has only approved home sleep tests that measure PAT. To know what that is and which product is best, see the next section.
WatchPAT™- An Amazing Answer
WatchPAT™ is best among home sleep monitors because it can be administered anywhere and gives quick results. Another good reason to trust this sleep apnea device is that many cardiologists who are concerned about the effect of sleep apnea on their patient’s hearts use it regularly.
Why Can Every Cardiologist Trust WatchPAT™?
Cardiologists or people who ensure your heart health should trust this device because it helps them to improve the health-related quality of life of the patients. They can also ensure speedy recovery of patients by diagnosing how sleep apnea is influencing the heart’s health from an early stage. Treatment of heart health issues is also aided by WatchPAT™. This sleep study device combines simplicity offered by pulse oximetry together with accuracy offered by PSG while ensuring cost-effectiveness of an HSAT. Many cardiologists who know that their patients are not going for an in-lab study because of the time, expense and discomfort involved can also trust WatchPAT™ and test them in their office as well.
In essence, it can be seen that WatchPAT™ as a sleep study monitor is quite effective and can deliver quality results in a comfortable environment whenever needed by a patient, his/her caregivers or a skilled cardiologist. This is why people from all over the world have trusted as the best among sleep apnea monitors for adults.


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