The Need For HPE Content Manager Sharepoint Integration

When you are managing a website and you have to handle a huge database, you know what a serious headache it is. Keeping track of everything and keeping your website up and running on a huge database is no easy task. Now you can imagine the horror and the pain when you need to not only manage and develop this database but also have to migrate all of it without loss. And there is no other option but to migrating your CMS if you want to redevelop and bring vital changes to your website or app to keep up with the client’s demands or keep things up to date. However, the pain of this migration is real but easy solution is also available if you know what to do to lessen the load off your shoulder. To solve this problem, you can look into HPE content manager sharepoint integration . Why Do a CMS Migration? Well, the task of a CMS migration is serious, hectic, and painful. Then why should you take on such a big task? The answer is, there can be several reasons that might need mig...