Data Pipeline Tools Can Make Your Data Work for You

A few years ago it would have been impossible to envisage that data pipeline tools will potentially become capable of making our data work for us. Fortunately, with large volumes of data being generated and collected by enterprises, it was not long before dramatic changes were noticed in technology. The introduction of data pipeline software made it easy for enterprises and everyone else to consolidate their data on any platform of their choice according to individual needs.
Initially, it was the software majors that introduced data pipeline tools as they were considered as the masters of the trade. The tools introduced enabled data users to have full control over their data. However, they were restricted in certain aspects because the software majors only catered to the requirements of a few and the rest had no options but to look into the market and search for developers who had the potential to offer something for everyone.
As the market for data pipeline software began expanding several developers started offering solutions which they claimed were adequate for the needs of businesses. However, as the task was complex enterprises refrained from implementing the software within their infrastructure. It was also difficult for most enterprises to complete the task of data consolidation within a set period of time. The prices of data pipeline tools were expensive and were beyond the reach of many businesses. Lastly but most importantly the tools which were available could only consolidate data either from internal or external sources to a chosen data integration platform in the cloud.
Things perhaps changed for the better with the introduction of a data pipeline software by the developer Rivery. This developer ensured they introduced an intuitive SaaS tool to consolidate data from internal and external sources simultaneously into a single data and depression platform in the cloud. They also had a code-free flexible tool which allowed enterprises to focus on insights and actions leaving the task of building and maintaining data pipelines to the developer.
Rivery was and is a developer with a difference because they understood that while most companies realized the benefits of consolidating their data in the cloud they did not have the technical skills or the resources needed to accomplish the task. Many enterprises simply deferred the decision because of the perception that the task was complex and risky. After understanding the problems encountered by enterprises Rivery decided to introduce a solution which was out-of-the-box and enabled enterprises to integrate data sources within minutes. They also eliminated the ongoing costs as well as the setup costs to build and maintain the data pipelines. The software introduced was simple with no need for development or DevOps for setting up and maintaining data of the Enterprises in the cloud.
Rivery was aware that enterprises are usually cost-conscious and are reluctant to spend money on software or solutions without fully understanding whether they would benefit or not from the same. They, therefore, decided to provide a personalized product demonstration for enterprises that demanded one. Even after the personalized product demonstration was provided Enterprises were given the freedom to begin working with the company for free with a 14-day free trial. The only effort needed from Enterprises was to sign up with the developer to enjoy the benefits provided by the data pipeline software and consolidated all their data in the cloud.
Enterprises are generally accustomed to storing data on different cloud-based platforms and this factor was also taken into account by Rivery. Rivery has a long list of cloud storage providers which are among the most popular in the market and can be used by enterprises if they choose to do so. Rivery presently provides the best data ETL pipeline for automatic data integration in the cloud to help enterprises become more efficient and data-driven.


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