The ill-effects of sleep apnea and why should you get it tested

Sleep apnea is a type of sleeping disorder that can result in different types of serious health conditions like high blood pressure, cardiac troubles when it remains untreated. When sleep apnea remains untreated for a long time, it might cause breathing to stop repeatedly while sleeping during the night, causes loud snoring during the night and tiredness during daytime in spite of sleeping nicely throughout the night. 

When a person suffers these symptoms he might immediately opt for a home sleep apnea sleep study by consulting a sleep therapist.

Some ill-effects of sleep apnea
When a person’s breathing is repeatedly interrupted in his sleep then he is suffering from sleep apnea and if it is not treated on time then it might cause a number of health problems which might be very harmful for his health. Some ill-effects of sleep apnea are hypertension, strokes, cardiomyopathy, diabetes, and other cardiac issues which also carry their own set of negative impacts on health of the patient.
Hypertension: High blood pressure or hypertension in a person might increase the risk of stroke, heart failure, kidney failure and other serious health conditions of a person. In conditions of high blood pressure, the pressure of the blood pushing against the walls of the blood vessel becomes too high. So, high pressure is considered as a silent killer as it does not have any symptom but is causing damage within your body.
Cardiomyopathy: Cardiomyopathy is a disease of the muscles of the heart and it enlarges the muscle tissue of the heart. This disease makes the procedure of filling blood in the heart and the pumping of blood more difficult. One of the major causes of heart failure for most people is cardiomyopathy and hence it is one of the most common conditions that increase the requirement for heart transplantation.
This condition can also lead to abnormal heart rhythms. People of all ages can be affected by this disease. In modern days, advanced machines and drugs can help in the treatment of patients with some forms of cardiomyopathy.

Diabetes: When your body cannot make insulin properly or cannot make proper use of insulin, it might lead to diabetes. Diabetes prevents the body of the person from utilizing the energy he is getting from the food he is eating. Diabetes are of two main types:

Type 1: When the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas are damaged, it results in type 1 diabetes. In the type1 diabetes, no insulin is being produced by the pancreas and hence sugar cannot enter into the body's cells for using the energy efficiently. This type of diabetes is seen mostly in the people under 30 years of age and insulin injection is being given to them to control their blood glucose.

Type 2: In this type of diabetes the pancreas can produce insulin but the insulin does not work properly. Ninety percent of people suffering from diabetes have this type of diabetes.
Diabetes might harm both internal organs as well as external organs of a person. Liver, kidney, heart are the internal organs that get damaged from diabetes. Other than that, diabetes also harms eyes and ears.
Other than causing these health problems, sleep apnea can also lower the repeated episodes of oxygen which is known as hypoxia, change in levels of carbon dioxide as well as result in increased levels of markers of inflammation.

Why should sleep apnea be tested?
From the above mentioned pointers it must be quite evident that sleep apnea causes a number of health conditions which might put the person’s life to certain risks. For these reasons, home apnea test is recommended to most people who have the symptoms of sleep apnea. These days, sleep apnea tests are easy to get done with the help of modern home sleep-apnea testing devices.
Besides, you can be benefited in the below mentioned ways when you get sleep apnea tested at home:
With the help of a home sleep apnea testing device, your cardiologist can monitor the rhythm of your heart as well as other health conditions from a distance and you can avoid suffering from any cardiac disorders.
It helps in reducing the incidences of cardiovascular immortality.
It also helps in reduction of hypertension and cardiovascular readmission.
It helps in the improvement of left ventricular ejection fraction problems in HF patients.
So, if you have any symptom of sleep apnea, get it treated as soon as possible to avoid any complex health issues. 

Sleep apnea diagnosis at home


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