4 ways in which sleep apnea testing devices have helped doctors


Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder which might affect people of various ages. A person with sleep apnea disorder might sleep thoroughly during the might with loud sounds of snoring yet can’t get up in the morning or feel sleepy throughout the day. Previously a person with sleep disorder always had to run to a sleep lab after consulting a sleep therapist to get a sleep apnea test. But with the magical innovations of modern days science and technology, people can get a sleep apnea test from their home, sleeping on their own comfortable beds.

Sleep apnea itself seems just like a sleeping disorder with breathing issues during sleep. But sleep apnea might lead to certain serious health conditions like heart problems, hypertension, stroke and other potential cardiac issues too if it remains untreated. So, the medical practitioners suggest that whenever a person faces any breathing issues while sleeping or cannot sleep soundly during night, then he or she must immediately consult a sleep therapist or his general practitioner. An immediate home sleep test with the help of modern home sleep apnea testing devices might help the patient in avoiding many serious health issues.

With the help of modern home sleep apnea testing devices the doctors can monitor the accurate sleep time, heart condition, oxygen level of their patients remotely. These devices automatically transfer data and information to the cardiologists and help them in treating various heart conditions of their patients. The 4 main ways in which a modern sleep apnea testing machine helps a doctor are:

1.      Helps in accurate diagnosis: The modern home sleep apnea testing devices in America are Food and Drug Administration department approved and hence the doctors can rely blindly on these devices for sleep study. To know the severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, it is necessary for the doctor to determine accurately the number of events that takes place while the patient is sleeping.

   The top home sleep apnea testing devices help in determining the accurate amount of sleep rather than just recording the total sleep time. Some patients suffer prolonged arousal frequently due to insomnia and other health conditions and might cause problems in recording the actual sleep time, but with the help of these modern devices these problems can be avoided.

2.      Monitoring treatment efficiently: The collection of data in these devices is based on Peripheral Arterial Tone (PAT) technology and hence provides highly accurate results. So when a doctor provides Continuous Airway Pressure Therapy to a patient, these devices help in detecting residual Sleep Disorder Breathing (SDB) rather than just reading the airflow of the patient.

It has been found in some reports provided by these devices that moderate to severe SDB has been determined as daytime residual symptom while a patient was under CPAP even when the CPAP devices failed to detect any sleep apnea disorder in the patient. These accurate data are important for the doctors to provide the accurate treatment to the patients.

3.      Ease of Application and Usability: These Home Sleep apnea Devices are easy to use as well as comfortable and the failure rate of these devices are even less than 2 percent. A patient can use this device all by himself or herself and the data can be automatically transferred to the doctors no matter where they are. Besides the patients feel less intimidated in taking the tests in their familiar environment and this also provides the perfect sleep study which can ensure the doctor to remain a step forward for the success of the treatment.

4.      Can provide the report immediately: Previously the doctors had to wait for a day or two for getting the reports of a patient with Obstructive Sleep apnea from the sleep lab. But these devices provide the reports immediately and hence the doctors can start the treatment then itself rather than sitting behind and watching the heart disease getting worse over time.

Previously many patients ignored this disease as they were reluctant to get the test done from a sleep testing lab and hence they faced more severe health issues in future. But after the year 2008, these devices came more into use and the doctors could successfully convince their patients to get a sleep test at home with the minimum requirement of sleep study equipment.

home sleep test





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