Automated Threat Analysis: a Next-Generation Cybersecurity Solution
In today's cyber aware world, security should be the foremost of all organizations’ priorities with the intent of preventing, detecting, analyzing and isolating threats, both internally and externally.
Unfortunately, many have either decided against utilizing such solutions on a cost basis or have utilized poor quality or outdated solutions that offer no defense against a super-sophisticated, complex malware program.
What To Do Next?
Along with next-generation cyber-threats, the industry is building solutions, effectively brick walls to stop these cyber-attacks from threat actors, hackers, and criminal elements from getting their hands on what you seek to protect – sensitive data.
Those looking to bring in cyber-solutions could well do with scoping out the market for a comprehensive solution that is not only easy to manage and understand but will work 24/7 and give you peace of mind.
Deep Instinct's Solutions
Deep Instinct is the first company to apply deep end-to-end learning to cybersecurity. Deep learning is a sub-division of Artificial Intelligence.
Its systems learn to detect any type of cyber-threat so that its prediction capabilities become instinctive. As a result, zero-day and APT attacks are detected and prevented in zero-time with unmatched accuracy.
Their advanced threat intelligence platform provides comprehensive, automated threat analysis and classification of prevented malicious attacks. These insights help security operation center teams, security researchers, and malware analysts to understand different security events quickly and remediate threats.
Their management console manages, monitors and analyzes all security events on a single platform. It can be deployed both onsite or in the cloud and reduces the effort required in investigating multi-level attacks.
It offers rapid classification of known and unknown malware in zero-time, with no human involvement. It will classify these into seven different malware types using their autonomous cybersecurity malware classification module.
Deep Instinct’s advanced threat intelligence platform provides in-depth reports with findings, insights, statistics, highlights and assessments on the latest threats found in the network. It also includes malware analytics for each malicious campaign identified.
It will also analyze and offer Root Cause Analysis (RCA) to describe the process chain that led to the event and perform advanced analysis on threats found within the organization. This includes static automated threat analysis, sandboxing analysis, screenshots and network dump of the threats.
Deep Instinct's software covers all encryption techniques with a near 100% detection rate and an industry-low false positive rate following extensive testing of thousands of files.
It also detects shellcodes and Remote Code Injection techniques used to move laterally between processes.
Post-execution analysis means that the system rapidly classifies malware in real-time with no human interaction into seven different types, using their unique deep learning malware classification module. These comprise ransomware, worm, virus, dropper, spyware, backdoor and PUA.
Although Deep Instinct has been designed to work in parallel with existing products, it can replace many endpoint security platforms, including anti-virus, anti-malware and sandboxing solutions.
The solution neatly wraps around the operating software and acts as the ultimate guard against threats.
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