Advantages of Business Communication

Business Communication

All business is based on communication in one form or another; without effective communication nothing happens and you go out of business. You are either communicating internally or externally and this drives the talk-track. Fundamentally always ask yourself what is the goal of the communication, who is the audience and how are you going to communicate?

Advantages of Business Communication 

The great thing about business communication is that it just needs to be professional and smooth; but not greasy or cool. The advantages of business communication is also that communication falls into a few different types of communication. 

For example, internal communications include activities such as team building; this could mean giving the ‘compliment sandwich’. It complements what a great job they are first, provides constructive feedback and finishes with another complement. If done well you can motivate the team and give recommendations of where they need to do to get better while still ending on a positive.     

Some of the advantages of business communication is knowledge sharing as part of internal team development. Most knowledge in an organisation is tacit and when an employee leaves this can cause challenges with productivity. One way to deal with this is ensure everything to a granular detail is documented. Some knowledge cannot be documented easily and is a skill that needs to be shown to employees that need to upskill. Perhaps media and ‘how to’ videos may help with this although something will always be missed. A good idea is to ensure that everyone has great communication options that can be taken. If you need help with something and the other person is busy in a meeting you can sent an email if a computer is present or a text, and give them the option to disrupt that meeting or continue without you barging in.

Productivity is related to trust building and this is related to idea sharing. When a group of people start working together, they go through the forming, storming, norming, and performing process. This means to get the best productivity from the team quickly they need to get through these 4 stages fast. One way is to open up more communication channels; accessibility helps getting everyone aligned to the project they’re on. When you need help you may need trust the person you are asking and if you don’t you will waste your time and not be productive.

For external communications you have similar challenges to internal communication challenges, advantages of business communication is that it ensures team collaboration; and is essential. If you have ever worked on-site in a foreign company with people you have never spoken to apart from hello, you’re going to struggle until you go through the same trust building experiences. Opening up communication through SMS ensures that you are not interrupting people as they will only respond when they are available. If you send an Email, you are sending essentially a formal document business to business, and while an SMS can legally be considered similar it appears to be friendlier. 

Loyalty building though sending offers and promotions help with keeping in contact with the customer you are dealing with, obviously this keeps familiarity and ease the sales process later. Did you ever see a person you saw at school years earlier and pretend to forget them because of them becoming unfamiliar to you? SMS is useful here as it helps keeps customer loyalty and again is more personal than an email. It also keeps your brand alive in their heart and the positivity the associate with it.

Here we see that SMS is useful is so many different areas of business, whether internal or external communications.    



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